We are so glad that you have decided to take the next step with us by learning more about our church. We hope your experience at New Life Church has been spiritually enriching and you felt loved and welcomed. We know that Kingman has many wonderful churches to choose from. It was our honor that you chose to be with us. It is our hope and desire that you move from friend to family.
At New Life Church, we commit to presenting Jesus Christ to those in desperate need of a savior, healer, and deliverer. All our teachings are based upon God’s revealed Word in the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s leading. We desire that everyone would have a radical encounter with Jesus and, through that encounter, receive grace, find hope, and experience transformation.
We have dedicated our lives to the cause of reaching the lost, restoring the broken, and releasing people into their destinies. We know God is doing amazing things among people like you, and we would love for you to be a part of what God is doing here.
Here at New Life Church, we are family. Everything we do is to establish His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. We believe that God has a plan, and you are a part of it. Our commitment is to encourage, equip, and partner with you as we go after all God has planned for us and the Kingman community.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask by contacting our church office or by asking any of our staff members. Please introduce yourself to me personally at any time. Once again, thank you so much for visiting our church and worshipping God with us.
In Christ,
Pastor John Pool
Senior Pastor

Our Story
Our story began in 1978 when Pastor Allen Cates opened our church under Praise Chapel as a church plant from the Praise Chapel Fellowship in California. Although our name has changed, we are still affiliated with the Praise Chapel Fellowship. As you can imagine, in the beginning, days, the congregation was small but growing. Soon we outgrew our storefront building on the corner of 6th and Beale St. and moved into the Foursquare Gospel Church building and continued to grow as a healthy congregation. It was only a short time before we moved again to the theater building on the corner of 3rd and Beale St. in downtown Kingman. Now we had plenty of room to grow, and we did. Several churches were planted out of our congregation during this time, fulfilling our vision to reach the world for Jesus.

In 1987 Pastor Howard Pennington became our Senior pastor. Under his leadership, our church made a real impact in the Kingman area. We saw many people give their lives to Jesus. People were healed, delivered, and restored. Again, the church grew, and in 1996 we broke ground on our current building. It was a massive project and required the hand of God. Through the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father providing miraculous support and finances, we completed our building in January 1999. Our first service was on January 31, 1999.

Tragically August 27, 2012, Pastor Pennington passed away from a motorcycle accident. On January 6, 2013, Pastor John Pool was installed as Senior Pastor. Pastor Pool has been an ordained Pastor, under Pastor Pennington, since September 1988 and on staff as an Associate Pastor since 1991.
On April 13, 2019, we officially changed our name to New Life Church. We did this to express our vision and mission better and to communicate more clearly who we are and what we represent. It has been a great success, and we look forward to all God has for us in the future. We know that He has great plans for us. Our story continues.
Our Strategy
Luke 4:18 says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”
Here at New Life Church, we have devoted our lives to the cause of bringing freedom to those who so desperately need it.
To accomplish this ministry there must be a strategic plan of action that embraces what we believe God is directing us to do. Here is ours:
Our Vision
Our vision is that we would be a church where the presence of God is changing lives.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide ministry where anyone can receive grace, find hope, and experience transformation.
Our Plan
Our Plan is to reach the lost, restore the broken, and release people into their destinies.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment is to the one. The individual is important. All that we do is for the one God draws to us.
The Church We See
When it all comes together, this is what we see . . .
We see a church where the manifest presence of God is actively sought and honored in all we do. In every service, event, ministry, and activity, we deliberately and purposefully set a platform for God’s manifest presence to move in a way that is appropriate to the gathering. We see a church that is hungry for His manifest presence.
We see a church that willfully and purposefully exalts God in praise, adoration, and worship. In all that we do, we will give Him praise and glory, never forgetting who He is to us and what He has done for us. We see a church where the congregation actively and vocally praises and worships Jesus.
We see a church that actively pursues an atmosphere of the supernatural. We see a church that endeavors to faithfully set a platform for the Holy Spirit to move in healing, deliverance, restoration, and transformation.
We see a church holding God’s Word as the final authority in every decision. We see a church where the Word of God determines how we speak, think, and live.
We see a church actively reaching into the community by serving, loving, and ministering through planned outreach and evangelism. We see a church reaching the lost, broken, wounded, addicted, and struggling. We aim to help them receive grace, find hope, and experience transformation. We see a church reaching the world through missions, planting churches, and evangelism.
We see a church connecting those saved to Christ’s body. We see a church that will love, honor, build up, encourage, and respect everyone that comes to our services. We see a church that will never abandon them to their own opinions, thoughts, and mindsets. We will guide them gracefully and respectfully through the Word, showing them the truth.
We see a church that is presenting a bright, hope-filled future. When things are tough, we look to Jesus, the Hope of Glory and the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
We see a church whose leadership is actively discipling men and women in the Kingdom of God. We see a church training both lay leaders and full-time ministry leaders. We see a church raising the next generation so they can skillfully and effectively carry on the ministry Christ has built.
We see a church actively building teams for ministry in the church. We see a church that believes in the benefits of team ministry. Team ministry connects people with people, builds leadership, promotes synergism, promotes more efficient communication, promotes service, collaboration, and cooperation, defines boundaries and responsibilities, and is the example of both the Old and New Testaments.
We see a church that is growing spiritually in the fullness of God. We see a church growing numerically in direct proportion to its spiritual growth. We see a church that is growing dynamically. We see a church that strives to bring change and progress as necessary. We see a church where the message never changes, but the method stays relevant to our culture and society. We see a church embracing change, understanding that growth requires continual change.
We see an exciting, fun, and fulfilling church to come to, alive with the presence of God. We see a church whose members look forward to being at every service, anticipating what may happen next.
We see a church where the core values of family, service, honor, love, excellence, and partnership are demonstrated through everything we do.